Friday, May 31, 2024

The Spottiswoode fortune

 From HR issue 1

This is a composite of two versions of the tale! It seems one John Hollingsworth, an adventurous lad (a mariner), when upon one of his travels, came eventually to Calcutta in India. (Another version has ‘America’ in place of ‘India’). There he came into the employ of a very, very wealthy gentleman, Lord Spottiswoode. John became acquainted, and soon fell deeply in love with the old Gent’s only hild - Lady Ellenor Spottiswoode, and they decided to marry. But John was a commoner, and Lady Ellenor was of Gentler birth, and the old man forbade the union.

But the Hollingsworths being what they are… Johnny swept away his love into the nearest boat and fled away and married the lass anyway! (This all happened over two hundred years ago.) So Lord Spottiswoode, not to be outhanded, cut his child out of his legacy - his vast riches. He claused his Will so that only the “seventh generation” after him could collect that pile of gold.

So Johnny Hollingsworth settled down near Arklow, Co. Wicklow, in the south of Ireland, with his bride.
They had two children - (guess what they named them!) - John jnr and Ellenor jnr. Ellenor married a Mr. Prestage and John junior became the father of 10 children - 9 of them boys. John jnr is supposed to be the John who died in 1864 at Big Rock Arklow.

From Pirates of the Eastern Seas (1618-1723), by Charles Grey


Taken from Hollingsworth Register March 1988 issue:

On page 30 in the chapter marked "Avery and Kidd," a brief history of the final exploits of the main gang of the pirates is given. After having befuddled and conned many prominent officials, including those of the British East India Company, warrants for them went out. . After not getting a pardon for themselves from the Govenor of Jamaica (he refused their bribe of L20,000), they split up and attemted to disappear, some doing so in New England - names not given.

The remainder bought sloops at New Providence in the Bahamas (warning: in the old documents it is called simply "Providence" which confused us as to whether Rhode Island was meant), in a final desperate attempt to get home. One Captain Farrell skippered the "Sunflower" carrying Henry Avery and 19 of his crew, which let them off at Dunfanahan on the north Irish coast. From there they went to Dublin. Another sloop commanded by Captain Hollingsworth took sixteen pirates to Dublin. After more than a thousand pounds reward was put up by the British Admiralty and the East India Company, on 19 Oct 1696, 24 of the pirates were arrested and tried, which resulted in six being hanged and the rest transported as slaves to Virginia. Apparently Thomas Hollingsworth was not among the 24 who were apprehended.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thomas lands in Ireland


62. Abstract, Letters from Ireland. June 16-July 7, 1696.[ ][1]
An Abstract of Letters relating to the Sloop Isaac of Providence, whereof Captain Thomas Hollandsworth Commander.[ ][2]
Thomas Bell Esqr., Sheriff of the County of Mayo, in his Letter of the 16th of June 1696 says That on the 7th instant came into Westport[ ][3] a small Vessell of about 30 tuns, whereof he had no account till the 14th, upon which he immediately went thither, and only found the Master, whom they call Captain Thomas Hollinsworth, and two men more on board. That they had no other Loading but Gold and Silver, which they conveyd away, and sold the Ship to one Thomas Yeeden and Lawrence Deane of Gallway, Merchants. It was a very considerable Sume they had, of which Mr. Bell desires the Government may be informd, that he may have further direction therein; And adds that he found two baggs of about Forty pound worth of Mony not passable in this Kingdom,[ ][4] in the hands of the said Mr. Yeeden and Mr. Dean, and took their Bond of a hundred pound to have the same forthcomeing to answer the Governments pleasure.
The said Mr. Bell in his Letter of the 20th of June further says, That since the writing of the above Letter he mett two of the Crew belonging to the said Vessell, by name, James Trumble and Edward Foreside, in whose hands he found about 200 l., and seizd on their persons and goods, but found none of the said Guilt or Bullion in their Custody, and now hath them with their said goods in his hands, and hopes to find a great deale more of the said Guilt and Bullion in the Country, or those that carry it away, the common report being that the said Ship was worth Twenty
Thousand pounds in Gold, Silver and Bullion; And further adds That he receivd a Warrant from Sir Henry Bingham, Barronet,[ ][5] and John Bingham, Esquire, requiring him forthwith to produce the said Trumble and Foreside with their Goods before them, which he obeyd and will give a further account per next post.
Mr. Farmer Glover, Generall Supervisor of the Revenue, in his Letter of the 25th of June from Gallway says, That having had some Account of a sloop being putt into Westport he hastned thither, but she was gon thence (the day before he gott there) towards Gallway; On examinacion he found she came from New Providence in America by Cocquett[ ][6] from thence, had on board Three Tunn and a half of Brazelett[ ][7] Wood and a great quantity of Coyne and Bullion; It is likewise reported that before her Arrivall at Westport she putt into a place calld Ackill[ ][8] and there landed severall Passengers and Goods; That the Officer at Westport says he dischargd at one time 32 baggs and one Cask of Mony, each as much as a man could well lift from the ground; That there are severall Reports in the Country, some saying she was a Privateer, others a Buckaneer, or that she had Landed some of the Assassinators,[ ][8a] which no doubt but their way of comeing into the Country gave great cause of Suspition, for as soon as they had Landed they offerd any Rates for HorsesóTen pounds for a Garran[ ][9] not worth Forty shillings and Thirty shillings in Silver for a Guinea for lightness of carriage;[ ][10] That on these consideracions he seizd the Sloop untill Bond was given accord
ing to Law; That she is sold to two Merchants of Gallway and designd to be fraighted out soon.
Mr. Lee the Collector of Gallway, in his Letter of the 26th of June, gives an Account That the Sloop that lay at Westport is come into the Harbour of Gallway; That the Master hath made Report of his Ship and Invoyced upon Oath at the Custom House, and entred into Bond with Security not to depart without Lycence as usuall; That the Master says each person on board took his share of the Silver and Gold and went away with it, That Mony paying no Duty, and being frightned in thither by a Privateer, there being no place there to make a Report, he could not hinder the men to carry off their Fortunes, but on Oath denys the knowledge of any other Goods whatsoever; That the Officer placed on board swears that since he came thither he did not see dischargd or carried out of the Ship any Goods whatsoever but Mony and Melted Silver, of which they took out 32 baggs and one small Cask; That he opened severall of the baggs, in which were Dollars,[ ][11] and that this quantity belongd to two men and the Master, the rest being carried away and the men gon, they have brought part of their Mony hither by Land, And that the Sheriff hath caused part of it to be Lodgd in the Country untill further Order. The said Mr. Lee has also inclosed a Copie of the Masters Pass and Clearings at the Custom House in Providence, And that the Captain of the Sloop brought a Pacquett for His Majestie and deliverd into the Post Office in Gallway.
Mr. Vanderlure, Collector at Ballinrobe,[ ][12] in his Letter of the 2d of July writes, That he has usd all Lawfull ways and means to discover what Goods were Landed on that Coast where the Sloop from New Providence arrivd, which was near Westport, but before that she sett on Shoar at Ackill head about a dozen Passengers, English and Scotch, who had a considerable quantity of Gold and Silver Coyne with some Bullion. most part of the latter they parted with at Westport and elswhere, but as for any thing else he cannot learn they had; That he has in his keeping in a small
bagg about 5 l. worth of broken Silver belonging to Mr. Currin and Mr. Samuel Bull and likewise about 9 l. worth of course melted Silver Securd with one Mr. John Swaile in Foxford,[ ][13] which also belongs to them, which they alleadg they brought from the aforesaid Passengers; That there is one Crawford, a dweller in Foxford, who told the said Mr. Vanderlure and others, That there was one of the Passengers who had some peices of Muslin[ ][14] in a bagg. the said Crafford absented himself when Mr. Glover and Mr. Cade were at Foxford to examin that matter, but there is a Summons left at his house to appear at Gallway on Munday next to give his Testimony and knowledge therein; That assoon as the said Mr. Vanderlure had notice of that Sloop being in that part of the Country he desird the Surveyor to send an Express to Mr. Lee, the Collector of Gallway, to acquaint him of the Vessell's Arrivall, which accordingly was don and an Officer sent from Gallway who went in the Vessell thither; That two of the Ships Crew are st[op]t and in Custody of the High Sheriff of the County of Mayo by a Warrant from Major Owen Vaughan, a Justice of Peace, upon an Information of one of the Passengers That that Sloop was the King's Pacquett Boat. they have 2700 plate Cobbs[ ][15] in the sheriffs hands, which he secured when he Seizd the said persons. It is said they have about 100 worth of the Coyne. The names of the said Seizd persons are Edward Foreside and James Trumble, who desire themselves and cash might be removd to Dublin, to answer what shall be laid to their Charge.
Mr. Bartholomew Cade, Surveyor at Ballinrobe, in his Letter of the 2d of July says he has been with Mr. Glover according to the Commissioners directions, and for an account of their proceedings in each particular referrs to Mr. Glovers Letter.
Mr. Glover in his Letter of the 3d of July from Gallway
gives an account That he is returned from Ballinrobe District, where he has been making all strict Enquiry about the Sloop putt in at Westport, and says, That as yett there appears no substantiall proof of any Goods Landed lyable to Duty, except such as were taken by the Officer, Mr. Currin, which he says he had seized from them, that the said Mr. Glover has taken them from the officer and deliverd them into the Custom House. As for the 14 pound æ worth of Silver bought by the Officer, it is in Charge with the Collector Mr. Vanderlure. No question but the Master of the Sloop hath forfeited and been lyable to the Penalty according to Law, for by Affidavit of one of his Sailers he proves that at Ackill, where they first landed their Passengers, there being no Officers present, there was taken off board and Landed severall large baggs belonging to the Passengers. what was in the baggs he cannot tell, but that they were stuffed full of something. That the said Mr. Glover had likewise Informacions from severall persons that they heard one George Crawford of Foxford say that he had seen Eight peices of Muslin with some of the Passengers which came out of the Sloop. That he went to Foxford to examin the said Crawford, but he went out of the way so that the said Glover could not see him, but left a Summons at his house for his appearing at Gallway the Munday following.
Mr. Humphry Currin, in his Letter of the 7th of July from Gallway, says, That a small Sloop from the West Indies Landed at Ackill about 10 or 12 Passengers and that he saw them at Westport and one of them was putting something in a bagg which he examined and found 5 yards and Ψ of Striped Muslin, 2 yards and Ψ of Cottened Cloth, 2 yards of Quilted Linnen, with 10 small Cravatts and 4 Silk Handkerchiefs, which he then Seizd as lyable to Duty, and said he must carry them to the Custom House of Gallway; That he supposd the Kings share would be remitted and ignorantly gave him the next day 4 Cobbs for it and told him if the Law would allow him more he should have it; That the said Currin shewd the Linnen to Mr. Cade and told him he must go with them to Gallway, but delayd it till
after the next Office; That he was advisd to carry the Passengers to a Justice of Peace, which he accordingly did; That he bought for himself and a friend 5 pound of broken silver and 9 pound of melted course Silver and deliverd it to Mr. Glover's Order.

[ ][1] London, Privy Council, Unbound Papers, 1:46, accompanying our [ ]no. 58.
[ ][2] Providence here means New Providence in the Bahamas. Hollingsworth was one of those who came from Madagascar to New Providence in the Fancy with Every. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1700, pp. 278, 411.
[ ][3] A seaport in northwestern Ireland, co. Mayo, about 40 miles north of Galway in a direct line, but a much larger distance around the coast.
[ ][4] Foreign coin; e.g., Indian or Arabian.
[ ][5] The third baronet, grand-uncle of the first earl of Lucan.
[ ][6] In old days, a certificate from customs officials that merchandise on board had paid its duties.
[ ][7] Braziletto, a dyewood.
[ ][8] The Isle of Achill lies off the Irish coast, northwest of Westport.
[ ][8a] Conspirators for the assassination of King William, in connection with the plot headed by Robert Charnock and Sir George Barclay. Several had been executed this spring, but some were at large.
[ ][9] An inferior Irish horse.
[ ][10] I.e., because the gold was so much lighter to carry. In 1695, 30 shillings for a guinea would not have been an unusual price in London (Great Britain then had the silver standard), but the Recoinage Act passed in January, 1696, had enacted that it should be penal to give or take more than 22 shillings for a guinea.
[ ][11] I.e., presumably, Spanish money.
[ ][12] About 20 miles southeast of Westport, between that place and Galway.
[ ][13] About 20 miles northeast of Westport.
[ ][14] Muslin (meaning organdie; from Mosul in Mesopotamia) was not then made in Europe, but was brought from India.
[ ][15] Plate means silver. Cob was the name then used in Ireland to designate Spanish pieces of eight (dollars). Sir William Petty, Political Anatomy of Ireland, p. 71.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Affidavit of Philip Middleton

94. I. Affidavit of Philip Middleton, of London, mariner. He served on board the Charles, alias Fancy, under the command of Henry Every, alias Bridgeman, in April last, when she arrived at an island near Providence, whence a letter was writ to Mr. Nicholas Trott, Governor of Providence, promising, provided he would give them liberty to come on shore and depart when they pleased, to give him 20 pieces of eight and two pieces gold a man and the ship and all that was in her. There were no threats. Governor Trott replied in very civil terms and his assurances of welcome were made good on their arrival. A collection was made afore the mast of every sailor, 100 men besides boys, of the above sum for Governor Trott and sent to him by Robert Chinton, Henry Adams and two more. They sailed to Providence and delivered up the ship with what was in her to Major Trott who took possession of her in the Governor's name, and afterwards left her in the custody of the Governor's boatswain and a few negroes, with the result that she came ashore about two days later, though she had two anchors at her bow and one in the hold. As soon as Mr. Trott was in possession he landed the ship's cargo and stores. She had 50 tons of elephants' teeth, 46 guns, 100 barrels of gunpowder, several chests of buccaneer guns, besides small arms for the ship's use. She was firm and tight and making no water. She came ashore about noon in the Governor's sight and tho' James Browne and several others of Providence and several that had been of the ship's crew offered to weigh her with casks, no means were used to get her off. It was generally reported she was run on shore designedly. She was not bilged. She belonged to Sir James Houblon and Co. of London, and deponent verily believes Governor Trott knew as much. Jan. 30, 1697. Copy. 4 pp. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 2.Nos. 47, 47 I.; and 25. pp. 309–312.]

T. South to the Lords Justices of Ireland

T. South to the Lords Justices of Ireland. Dublin, 15 Aug. 1696. I have this morning obtained the following account:— The best place to send shipping to meet with the pirates is to Fernando, an island in latitude 3° or 4°, where they must touch to water in February or March. The owners of Captain Wake's ship live in Boston, New England, and were going in a brigantine to bring clothes and necessaries to meet him at Fernando; but hearing that we were coming to Providence they followed us thither but did not arrive till after we came away. Thomas Hollingsworth, now sailed from Galway, will meet Wake at Providence, where Wake will certainly be within six or eight weeks, or else not till after Christmas. Hollingsworth left money with Governor Trott. Wake had already had a pardon for piracy in King James's time. Thomas Jones is concerned in Captain Want's old barque and lives in Rhode Island. Want is gone to the Persian Gulf and in all probability is either at Rhode Island or Carolina by this time. He broke up there about three years ago after a good voyage, and spent his money there and in Pennsylvania. Captain Tew had a commission from the Governor of New York to cruise against the French. He came out on pretence of loading negroes at Madagascar, but his design was always to go into the seas, having about seventy men on his sloop of sixty tons. He made a voyage three years ago in which his share was £8,000. Want was then his mate. He then went to New England and the Governor would not receive him; then to New York where Governor Fletcher protected him. Colonel Fletcher told Tew he should not come there again unless he brought store of money, and it is said that Tew gave him £300 for his commission. He is gone to make a voyage in the Red Sea, and if he makes his voyage will be back about this time. This is the third time that Tew has gone out, breaking up the first time in New England and the second time in New York. The place that receives them is chiefly Madagascar, where they must touch both going and coming. All the ships that are now out are from New England, except Tew from New York and Want from Carolina. They build their ships in New England, but come out under pretence of trading from island to island. The money they bring in is current there, and the people know very well where they go. One Captain Gough who keeps a mercer's shop at Boston got a good estate in this way. On first coming out they generally go first to the Isle of May for salt, then to Fernando for water, then round the Cape of Good Hope to Madagascar to victual and water and so for Batsky (sic), where they wait for the traders between Surat and Mecca and Tuda, who must come at a certain time because of the trade-wind. When they come back they have no place to go to but Providence, Carolina, New York, New England and Rhode Island, where they have all along been kindly received. It is hoped that by means of this information they may be taken. Signed, T. South.

Examination of John Dann

Examination of John Dann. August 3, 1696.[1]
The Examination of John Dann of Rochester, Mariner, taken the 3d of August 1696.
Danns Examination.
This Informant saith that 3 yeares agoe he was Coxwain in the Soldado Prize, That he deserted the said shipp to goe in Sir James Houblons [2] Service, upon an Expedition to the West Indies, under Don Authuro Bourne. hee went on board the James, Captain Gibson Commander, and the whole Company shifted their Ship in the Hope, and went on board the Charles in which they went to the Corunna. The Shipps Company mutinied at Corunna for want of their pay, there being 8 months due to them; some of the men proposed to Captain Every, who was master [3] of the Charles, to carry away the Shipp, which was agreed on and sworne too; accordingly they sayled from the Corunna the 7th of May 1693. [4] when they were gone out they made up about 85 men. Then they asked Captain Gibson, the Commander, whether he was willing to goe with them, which he refusing, they sett him a shoar, with 14 or 15 more.
The first place they came to was the Isle of May, [5] where they mett three English Ships and tooke some provisions out of them, with an Anchor and Cable and about 9 men.
They went next to the Coast of Guinea, and there they tooke about 5 li. of Gold Dust, under the pretence of Trade; from Guinea they went to Philandepo, [6] where they cleaned their ship and tooke her lower; from thence they went to Princes Island, [7] where they mett with 2 Deanes [8] ships, which they tooke after some restraine. in those Shipps they tooke some small Armes, Chestes of Lynnen and perpetuenes, [9] with about 40 l. in Gold dust and a great quantity of Brandy. they putt them on shoar Except 18 or 20 they tooke with them. they carryed the best of the Danes Shipps with them and burnt the other. They stood then for Cape Lopez, and in the way mett with a small portugeese, laden with slaves from Angola. they tooke some Cloathes and silkes from them and gave them some provisions which they were in want of. att Cape Lopaz they only bought Honey, and sunke the little shipp, the men not being satisfied with the Commander. They went next to Annabo [10] and takeing provisions there they doubled the Cape and sailed to Madagascar, where they tooke more provisions and cleared the ship. from thence they sailed to Johanna, [11] where they mett a small Junke, put her a shore and tooke 40 peices out of her, and had one of their men killed. they only tooke in provisions at Johanna. Three English Merchant ships came downe thither at the same time, but they did not speake with them. They went thence to a place called Paddy, [12] and soe back to Johanna, touching at Comora by the way, where they tooke in provisions. at Johanna they tooke a Junke laden with Rice, which they stood in need of; here they tooke in 13 French men that had been privateering in those Seas under English Colours and had lost their ship at Molila, where it was cast away. Then they resolved to goe for the Red Sea. in the way they mett with two English Privateers, the one called the Dolphin, the other Portsmouth Adventure. The Dolphin, Captaine Want Comander, was a Spanish Bottom, had 60 men on board and was fitted out at the Orkells [13] neare Philadelphia. She came from thence about 2 yeares agoe last January. The Portsmouth Adventure was fitted out at Rhode Island about the same time, Captain Joseph Faro Comander. this ship had about the like number of men and about 6 Gunns each and they joyned Company. They came to an Island called Liparan, [14] at the entrance into the Red Sea, about June last was 12 months. they lay there one night and then 3 sale more of English came to them, One comanded by Thomas Wake [15] fitted out from Boston in New England, another the Pearle Brigantine, William Mues Comander, fitted out of Rhode Island, the third was the Amity Sloop, Thomas Tew Comander, [16] fitted out at New Yorke. they had about 6 Guns each. two of them had 50 men on board and the Brigantine betweene 30 and 40. they all Joyned in partnership, agreeing Captain Every should be the Comander. After they had laine there some time they were apprehensive the Moors shipps would not come downe from Mocha, [16a] soe they sent a pinnace thither, which tooke two Boates. they brought away 2 men, which told them the shipps must come downe. In the meane time they stood into the sea about 3 Leagues and came to an Anchor there, and hearing by the Pinnace the Moors Shipps were ready to come downe they weighed and stood to Leparon againe. After they had lain there 5 or 6 dayes the Moores shipps (being about 25 in number) past by them in the night unseen, though the passage was not above 2 miles over. they [17] was in August last on Saturday night. the next morning they saw a Ketch comeing downe, which they tooke, and by them they heard the ships were gone by, whereupon it was resolved they should all follow them and accordingly they wheighed on Monday, but the Dolphin being an ill sayler they burnt her and tooke the men most of them aboard Captain Every and the Brigantine they tooke in two [tow]. the sloop fell asterne and never came up to them. Captain Wake likewise lagged behind but came up to them afterwards. the Portsmouth kept them company. they steered their Course for Suratt, whether the Moores ships were bound. about 3 dayes before they made Cape St. John [18] they mett with one of the Moores ships, betweene 2 and 300 tons, with 6 Guns, which they tooke, she haveing fired 3 shott. they tooke about 50 or 60,000 l. in that ship in Silver and gold, and kept her with them till they made the land, and comeing to an anchor they espied another ship. they made sale up to her. she had about 40 Guns mounted and as they said 800 men. Shee stood a fight of 3 houres and then yeilded, the men runing into the Hold and there they made their Voyage. They tooke out of that ship soe much Gold and Silver in Coyned money and Plate as made up each mans share with what they had taken before about 1000 l. a man, there being 180 that had their Dividents, the Captain haveing a Double share and the Master a share and a halfe. The Portsmouth did not come into the Fight and therefore had noe Divident, but the Brigantine had, which was taken away from them againe by reason that the Charles's men changing with them Silver for Gold they found the Brigantine men Clippt the Gold, soe they left them only 2000 peices of Eight to buy provisions. They gave a share to the Captain of the Portsmouth and brought him away with them. Captain Want went into his ship and sailed into the Gulph of Persia and the Brigantine (he thinkes) went to the Coast of Ethiopia. Captain Wake went to the Island of St. Maries near Madagascar, [19] intending for the Red Sea the next time the Moores ships were expected from thence. Captain Every resolved to goe streight for the Island of Providence. In the way the men mutinied, some being for carrying her to Kian [20] belonging to the French, neere Brazill, but Captain Every withstood it, there being not above 20 men in the Shipp that Joyned with him. when they came to the Island of Mascareen [21] in the Latitude of 21 they left as many men there as had a mind to stay in that Island, and about March or Aprill last they arrived in the Island of Providence with 113 men on board. they came first to an Anchor off the Island of Thera, [22] and by a sloop sent a Letter to Nicholas Trott, Governor of Providence, [23] to propose bringing their ship thither if they might be assured of Protection and Liberty to goe away, which he promised them. They made a collection of 20 peices of 8 a man and the Captain 40, to present the Governor with, besides Elephants Teeth and some other things to the value of about 1000 l. Then they left their Ship which the Governor had and 46 Guns in her. they bought a sloop which cost them 600 l. Captain Every and about 20 more came in her for England and Every tooke the name of Bridgman; about 23 more of the men bought another Sloop and with the Master, Captain Risby, and the rest of the men went for Carolina.
Captain Every alias Bridgman and this Informant landed at Dumfaneky [24] in the North of Ireland towards the latter end of June last, where this Informant parted with Captain Every and heard he went over for Donaghedy in Scotland. [25] when this Informant was at Dublin he heard Every was there, but did not see him. he heard him say he would goe to Exeter when he came into England, being a Plymouth man. This Informant says that he parted with Captain Every at Esquire Rays, within 6 miles of Dumfannaky; That the Land water "[26] of that Port, one Mawrice Cuttle, gave this Informant a Passe to goe to Dublin for himselfe, 5 men more and 2 boyes, and came along with them to a place called Lidderkenny, [27] and there he would have detained their money but this Informant and another of the Company had liberty to goe to Derry [28] to cleere themselves to Captain Hawkins, but by the way Cuttle agreed with them to lett them goe for three pounds weight in Gold, which they gave him at a place called St. Johnstons, [29] and then they had liberty to goe on to Dublin. This Informant heard likewise that the said Cuttle made an agreement with the other men before he lett them goe but he cannot tell what they gave him.
This Informant came from Dublin about 3 weekes agoe and landed at Holyhead and soe to London, where he arrived on Tuesday last. the man that came over with him was Thomas Johnson, who lives neare Chester, and there he left him.
This Informant went to Rochester on Thursday last and was seized there the next morning by meanes of a Maid, who found his Gold Quilted up in his Jackett hanging with his coate. he was carryed before the Mayor, who comitted him to Prison and kept his Jackett, in which and in his pocketts were 1045 l. Zequins [30] and 10 Guineas, which the Mayor now hath in his Custody.
This informant sayes further that the wife of Adams, who was their Quarter Master, came with them from the Island of Providence, that shee was with Captain Every at Donoughedee and beleives they went over together; as this Informant came to London hee saw this woman at St. Albans, who was goeing into a stage Coach. She told this Informant that shee was goeing to Captaine Bridgmans but would not tell him where he was.
This Informant saith that the Sloope they came home in was given to Joseph Faroe, Comander of the above mencioned Portsmouth Adventure, and that he intended to returne in her to America. the vessell is called the Sea Flower, about 50 Tuns and 4 Guns. This Informant heard she was at Derry.
This Informant sayes that the other Sloop, which Captaine Richy came over in, landed somewhere neare Galloway. [31] hee saw some of the men att Dublin. And this Informant beleives that most of the men which came with Captaine Every to Ireland are now in Dublin.
[1] London, Public Record Office, C.O. 323:2, no. 25 IV. Endorsed: "In closed in Mr. Blackborne Secretary to the East India Company his letter of the 18th December 1696", as to which letter see Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1696-1697, pp. 259-264.
[2] An alderman of London and a director of the Bank of England. "Sir Arthur Bourne, an Irish commander, who has served on board the Spanish fleet 5 years; he is to command 5 English and Dutch men of warr, and sail for the West Indies" (1692). Luttrell, Brief Relation, II. 330.
[3] Navigating officer.
[4] Error for 1694.
"[5] Maio, one of the Cape Verde Islands.
[6] Fernando Po, in the Bight of Biafra.
[7] Ilha do Principe. The islands of St. ThomÈ, Principe, and Annobon are fully described, in their then state, in the second edition of Johnson, General History of the Pyrates, pp. 188-204.
[8] Danish. Fourteen of the Danes joined the pirate crew, so says Philip Middleton in a narrative not identical with our DOC_64"no. 64, post (Cal. St. Pap. Col., 1696-1697, p. 261); and the Court of the East India Company, in a letter to the General and Council at Bombay, Aug. 7, 1696, report that Every's motley company "consisted of 52 French, 14 Danes, the rest [104] English, Scottish, and Irish". Beckles Willson, Ledger and Sword, I. 434.
[9] Perpetuana, a durable woolen fabric.
10] The island of Annobon, in lat. 1∞ 24¥ S.; see HYPERLINK ""note 7.
[11] One of the Comoro group of islands, lying between the north point of Madagascar and the mainland of Africa. It may be useful to mention that at this time the East India Company's monopoly of trade in the Indian Ocean had been broken by a declaration of the House of Commons, Jan. 11, 1694, that every British subject had the right to trade with India.
[12] Probably Patta, off British East Africa, but then Portuguese. Comoro is the principal island in the group of which Johanna is one. Molila, below, is most likely Mohelli, another of the group.
[13] Whorekill, i.e. Lewes Creek, Delaware.
[14] Perim, in the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb.
[15] See HYPERLINK ""doc. no. 68, paragraph 8, post.
[16] Tew appears in Jamaica, Rhode Island, and New York, everywhere with an ill reputation. Edward Randolph (Toppan, Edward Randolph, V. 158) declares that from this present voyage he brought £10,000 in gold and silver into Rhode Island. He had gone out with a privateering commission from Governor Fletcher of New York (N.Y. Col. Doc., IV. 310, etc.), though, according to Bellomont, Fletcher must have known of his piratical habits. Fletcher in his not too satisfying "defence" (ibid., IV. 447) says: "This Tew appeared to me not only a man of courage and activity, but of the greatest sence and remembrance of what he had seen, of any seaman I had mett. He was allso what they call a very pleasant man; soe that at some times when the labours of my day were over it was some divertisement as well as information to me, to heare him talke. I wish'd in my mind to make him a sober man, and in particular to reclaime him from a vile habit of swearing. I gave him a booke to that purpose." But it appears from paragraph 9 of our HYPERLINK ""no. 68 that Tew was killed, in the act of piracy, within the year of the issue of his commission, and it is impossible to say how far the reformation of his speech had progressed.
[16a] Mocha lies inside the straits, on the Arabian side of the Red Sea.
[17] This.
[18] Probably Cape Diu.
[19] Off the northeast coast. A celebrated resort of pirates; see Capt. Adam Baldridge's deposition,
[20] Cayenne, French Guiana. The editor remembers that old New England people, in his boyhood, still pronounced the name Ky-ann.
[21] Now RÈunion, then called by the French (to whom it belonged) Bourbon, or Mascaregne, from the Portuguese commander Pedro Mascarenhas, who discovered it in 1512.
[22] Eleuthera.
[23] Governor of the Bahama Islands from 1693 to 1696, when he was removed because of his suspicious dealings with the pirates. He was a cousin of that Chief-Justice Nicholas Trott (1668-1740) who was so great a power in South Carolina, and who in 1718 sentenced Stede Bonnet's company with such severity. See the next document.
[24] Dunfanaghy, co. Donegal, on the north coast of Ireland.
[25] Probably an error for "from Donaghedy to Scotland". Dunaghadee is in Ireland, co. Down, at one of the points nearest to Scotland.
[26] Landwaiter.
[27] Letterkenny, co. Donegal.
[28] Londonderry.
"[29] St. Johnstown, on the Foyle above Londonderry.
[30] A Venetian or Turkish gold coin, worth about nine shillings.
[31] Galway.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thomas Hollingsworth - Pirate or Privateer?

A break from lists of names to bring you the story of a man caught up in a moment of history.

Thomas Hollingsworth - Pirate or Privateer?

Thomas Hollingsworth first appears in the Indian Ocean and disappears again from Galway City, Ireland. Where he came from, or went to, I don’t know. Neither do I know whether he is related to the American or Irish Hollingsworths, or in fact if he is the son, born about 1670 or 1678, of Thomas Hollingsworth and Martha Scampton.

Charles Grey in his book “Pirates of the Eastern Seas” suggested Hollingsworth sailed with Captain Kidd in the Sunflower and landed in Dunfanahan on the north-west coast of Ireland. Actually, he may not have done either. But though his appearances are brief, he does manage to pop up in the middle of one of the great sea odysseys of the so-called “Golden Age of Piracy”.

To give context to his appearance, and perhaps to give a clue as to his origins or his later fate, here is the full tale as I perceive it:

La Coruna

La Coruna, Galicia, Spain 7 May 1694: The crew of the frigate Charles II had been unpaid for months. While the captain was drunk, the crew mutinied, led by the former first mate, Henry Every. Every declared “I am captain of this ship now. I am bound to Madagascar, with the design of making my own fortune, and that of all the brave fellows joined with me.” They renamed the ship “The Phancy" or "The Fancy” and set sail for Cape Verde. Heading south along the African coast, the pirates plundered three British vessels at the Cape Verde Islands and took two Danish vessels near Sao Tomé/Principé off the west coast of Africa.

Early in 1695, they reached Johanna Island (Anjouan) in the Comoros, where Every seized a French pirate ship loaded with booty. Most of its crew joined him, making them more than 170 men. It was at Johanna that Every wrote his famous letter:

"To All English Commanders.
Let this satisfy that I was riding here at this instant in the Fancy, man-of-war, formerly the Charles of the Spanish expedition who departed from La Coruna 7th May 1694, being then and now a ship of 46 guns, 150 men, and bound to seek our fortunes. I have never yet wronged any English or Dutch, or ever intend whilst I am commander. Wherefore as I commonly speak with all ships I desire whoever comes to the perusal of this to take this signal, that if you or any whom you may inform are desirous to know what we are at a distance, then make your ancient (ship’s flag) up in a ball or bundle and hoist him at the mizzen peak, the mizzen being furled. I shall answer with the same, and never molest you, for my men are hungry, stout, and resolute, and should they exceed my desire I cannot help myself. As yet an Englishman’s friend,
At Johanna, 18th February 1695
Henry Every
Here is 160 odd French armed men at Mohilla who waits the opportunity of getting any ship, take care of yourselves."

After a brief stop at Madagascar to replenish supplies and wait for suitable weather, Every set sail for Perim Island at the mouth of the Red Sea with the intent of intercepting vessels carrying pilgrims travelling between Mecca and India. He reached Perim by September 1695. Several American pirates were already there - Captain Joseph Faro (Farrell) on Portsmouth Adventure from Rhode Island and Captain William Want on Dolphin from Philadelphia. These two new ships each had a crew of about 60, so the pirate fleet now had three ships and over 350 men. Three days later, even more American pirates arrived - Captain William Maze on Pearl from Rhode Island, Captain Thomas Tew on Amity from New York, and Captain Thomas Wake on Susannah from Boston.

Mandab Strait.

On 8 September 1695, the pirate fleet sighted two vessels. The first was the Fateh Mahmamadi, an unarmed merchantship owned by Abd-ul Ghafur, which carried gold and silver valued at more than £50,000. The second ship proved more significant; it was the Gang-i-Sawai, one of the Great Moghul’s largest ships. Armed with forty to eighty great guns and four hundred musketeers, captained by Muhammed Ibrahim. Although the forty-six gun Fancy was no match for the larger ship, Every didn’t hesitate to attack. One of the pirates' first shots broke the main mast and one of the Gang-i-Sawai’s guns exploded, killing or wounding a number of sailors. The Gang-i-Sawai didn’t surrender, though, and the battle at Cape St. John, raged for hours.

Every’s crew looted their prizes at the island of Socotra and split the booty at Réunion Island, where most of the French pirates remained. The East India Company estimated the plunder at 325,000 pounds. After giving small sums to the other pirate ships, each man received about 1,000 in cash plus some of the jewels, Every taking two shares as captain.

Somewhere here Thomas Hollingsworth joined the Phancy. Some reports state that Henry Every tricked the other crews into putting all the booty onto the Phancy and then he sneaked away. Others suggest that Thomas Wake’s ship, the Susannah, was looted. For whatever reason, Thomas Hollingsworth, Captain Smithsend and James Brown came aboard the Phancy, which then sailed for the Bahamas, stopping at Sao Tomé before crossing the Atlantic.

"Examination (dated March 25, 1700) of James Brown who sailed from Rhode Island in 1695 on the Susanna, Thomas Wake, Commander, as a privateer with a Commission from the Governor or Deputy Governor. The company were all upon shares. In the seas of India they met with the Phancy, Henry Every, Commanding, who plundered the Susanna. Examinant being weary of being aboard in those parts, with one Capt. Smithsend, and THOMAS HOLLINGWORTH, embarked on the Phancy, which was then designed for Providence."

Also "Deposition of Sampson Pendley, Master of the Mayflower of Boston. In 1696 he heard Daniel Smith, William & Benjamin Griffin, THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH, ??? Mincks, Anthony Packer & Thomas Joy, several times declare that they came to Providence in the Fancy with Henry Avery (sic) the Pirate.” Dated July 12, 1700 at Bermuda."

In the Caribbean, the pirates sold some of their plunder at Saint Thomas and sailed to the Bahamas in April coming to Royal Island off Eleuthera, fifty miles from New Providence in the Bahamas, in late April 1696. To gain the governor’s goodwill, they gave him their ship, gold, and ivory tusks valued at £1,000. The pirates hoped to gain pardons, but as Governor Nicholas Trott wasn’t a Royal governor, he lacked the power to grant them. Thomas Hollingsworth was one of three or four people who brought Every’s letter of offer to Trott. Two of the others were Robert Chinton and Henry Adams.


“T South to the Lords Justices of Ireland Dublin, 15 Aug 1696. Hollingsworth left money with Governor Trott. Wake had already had a pardon for piracy in King James’s time.”

Affidavit of Philip Middleton. November 11, 1696 "this Deponent was informed a Packet was sent (to Trott) by Hollandsworth's (sic) sloop, which sailed before that in which this Deponent was".

Not having any success with Governor Trott, hey sailed for Jamaica in hopes of obtaining the pardons from Jamaican Governor William Beeston. On 15 June, he wrote to the Council for Trade and Plantations in London, “They are arrived at Providence and have sent privately to me, to try if they could prevail with me to pardon them and let them come hither; and in order that I was told that it should be worth to me a great sum (i.e. £24,000), but that could not tempt me from my duty.”

After Governor Beeston refused a pardon, Every returned to the Bahamas where he and his men lived aboard the Phancy, even though they had given her to Governor Trott. Either purposely or through negligence, the ship was driven ashore in a gale. After salvaging her guns and whatever else they could, the pirates dispersed.

Hollingsworth left from New Providence mid-May 1696 on the sloop The Isaac. Every followed about three weeks later on The Sea Flower.

From the deposition of John Dann we learn that Every landed at Dunfanaghy in The Sea Flower - with John Dan(n), John Sparks, Joseph Dawson and Philip Middleton aboard - at the latter end of June. The Sea Flower was then given to Joseph Faroe (Farrel? Faro?) who intended to return in her to America. This may be where Charles Grey’s confusion with Joseph Farrel, 'Dunfanahan' and the Sunflower arises.

The following document appears to give us a new enlightenment. It suggests that the Isaac let off most of the crew and cargo at the remote Achill Island (not actually an island, but an isthmus) before arriving at Westport. It then made the short journey down the coast to Galway, with Thomas Hollingsworth as Master.

"An Abstract of Letters relating to the Sloop Isaac of Providence, whereof Captain Thomas Hollandsworth Commander. Thomas Bell Esqr., Sheriff of the County of Mayo, in his Letter of the 16th of June 1696 says that on the 7th instant came into Westport a small Vessell of about 30 tuns, whereof he had no account till the 14th, upon which he immediately went thither, and only found the Master, whom they call Captain Thomas Hollinsworth, and two men more on board. That they had no other Loading but Gold and Silver, which they conveyd away, and sold the Ship to one Thomas Yeeden and Lawrence Deane of Gallway, Merchants. It was a very considerable Sume they had, of which Mr. Bell desires the Government may be informd, that he may have further direction therein. The said Mr. Bell in his Letter of the 20th of June further says, That since the writing of the above Letter he mett two of the Crew belonging to the said Vessell, by name, James Trumble and Edward Foreside, in whose hands he found about 200 pounds, and seizd on their persons and goods, but found none of the said Guilt or Bullion in their Custody, and now hath them with their said goods in his hands, and hopes to find a great deale more of the said Guilt and Bullion in the Country, or those that carry it away, the common report being that the said Ship was worth Twenty Thousand pounds in Gold, Silver and Bullion.

"Mr. Lee the Collector of Gallway, in his Letter of the 26th of June, gives an Account That the Sloop that lay at Westport is come into the Harbour of Gallway; That the Master (Thomas Hollingsworth) hath made Report of his Ship and Invoyced upon Oath at the Custom House, and entred into Bond with Security not to depart without Lycence as usuall; That the Master says each person on board took his share of the Silver and Gold and went away with it, That Mony paying no Duty, and being frightned in thither by a Privateer, there being no place there to make a Report, he could not hinder the men to carry off their Fortunes, but on Oath denys the knowledge of any other Goods whatsoever.

"Mr. Vanderlure, Collector at Ballinrobe, in his Letter of the 2d of July writes, That two of the Ships Crew are st[op]t and in Custody of the High Sheriff of the County of Mayo by a Warrant from Major Owen Vaughan, a Justice of Peace. The names of the said Seizd persons are Edward Foreside and James Trumble, who desire themselves and cash might be removd to Dublin, to answer what shall be laid to their Charge."

Galway Bay

Henry Every escaped capture, but several of his men were brought to trial. Joseph Dawson, Edward Forseith (Was this the Edward Foreside from Hollingsworth’s ship?), William May, William Bishop, James Lewis, and John Sparkes were tried and found guilty. They were executed on November 26, 1696 in London, at Execution-Dock.

Next it's reported that Hollingsworth left Galway before 15 August 1696 intending to meet up with Thomas Wake in Providence.

“T South to the Lords Justices of Ireland Dublin, 15 Aug 1696. The owners of Captain Wake’s ship live in Boston, New England, and were going in a brigantine to bring clothes and necessaries to meet him at Fernando; but hearing that we were coming to Providence they followed us thither but did not arrive till after we came away. Thomas Hollingsworth, now sailed from Galway, will meet Wake at Providence, where Wake will certainly be within six or eight weeks, or else not till after Christmas.”

We also hear the following from Philip Middleton:
“Narrative of Philip Middleton, of the Ship Charles Henry, to the Lords Justices of Ireland, given on 4 August, 1696 ... another sloop commanded by HOLLINGSWORTH was chased into Dublin by a French Privateer. She had 16 more of the crew of Charles Henry aboard.”

These two reports apparently contradict each other. Did Hollingsworth actually go to the Bahamas to meet Thomas Wake, making the Philip Middleton statement false? Or did he encounter a French Privateer on leaving Galway? In which case, if he sailed into Dublin Bay there would be nowhere to go but to ground.

If Thomas Wake was double-crossed by Every in the Indian Ocean, and Hollingsworth joined Every on the Phancy, why would Hollingsworth be wanting to meet him? So, did Thomas Hollingsworth come from Boston? And did he go to New Providence or end up trapped in Dublin?

Another thing – why was Thomas Hollingsworth the one who took the letter to Governor Trott AND the one who brought the Isaac to legitimate landfall in Galway? Was it because he was in some way 'respectable'? Was it linked to the deception of Thomas Wake? Could he have used Wake’s piracy-pardon to become legitimate?

We have no record of the Ulster Hollingsworths from the mid 17th Century. But then, a Samuel (son of Thomas?) pops up in County Wexford from nowhere in the early 1700s. Were Thomas' family disposessed in Ulster and driven underground in the 1640s? Did his position force him to become a pirate or "sea tory"? Is he the origin of the Dublin and Wexford Hollingsworth?